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(15 Min) No-Sew Pattern: Easy Side-Velcro Panties
🔗The pattern is free and prints on two letter-sized papers. It's a mirror-half pattern; just cut and tape along the crotch line then you got the "right" pattern (Right-half pattern).
What you need
1 old t-shirt (at least size small),
1 pair of scissors,
4 pairs of sticky back Velcro strips (4/3 inch x 2 inches): to be purchased (4$ at Amazon)
Constructed pattern: cut and tape page 1/2 at the crotch line
Fabric Weights: Something heavy like a cell phone will do.
How-to: The no-sew instructions
✂️Just cut out and add velcro closures🥳
Cut out the one side of panties
For our StopWaste project, take an old T-shirt and fold it in half to find the middle.
Put the pattern on one side and hold it down with something heavy, like your phone. Cut around the pattern carefully.